First off, I recently had a visit from our granddaughter from New Orleans. Miss M. spent a whole week with us. She wanted to do some crafting and crafting we did. Here we have Miss M and Kennedy busy at work.

See some of what we did. 
This Skinny Scarf was crocheted by Miss M. This is her first crochet project. Pretty good, don’t you think?
Don’t you just love this ultra feminine ring. Miss M. and I did this.
Just too Cute.
How about this faux cake. It’s a pincushion. Way too Cool.
This is definitely a glamorous pincushion.
Lots of fringe and sequins. Oh and don’t forget the zebra strips. Love it.
This is Miss M.’s second crochet project. Crocheted chain with lots of beads and charms. She can wear this as a necklace or bracelet. Miss M likes the bracelet look.
And then we make a bracelet from an old baseball. The baseball was purchased at an auction I took Miss M. to.
Sorry about some of these photos. Not very clear, but it gives you an idea of all we did.
Next, on Tuesdays a few friends get together at Pro’s workshop to do their thing. We go by the name CC (Crazy Crafter) Revival. First this is Pro. Sorry Pro. But you will always look beautiful to all your friends.
Next is Dan. Busy, busy.
And Lynn. Love that red paint.
Some of the furniture we worked on. Some of which has already sold. Yea!!!!! This is the before.

This is the after. Sold!!!!
Just before last finishing touch.
All done. Sold!!!!!!

After a little paint.
No before of this drop leaf table. It sold too.
This is dresser Pro did a faux finish that is unbelievable. I love this piece.
Hopefully I can show you more of all I have been doing lately in a few days. I have a few more pieces of furniture I’m working on. Wait till you see the awesome St Theresa statue I found. Truly cool.